Saturday, October 26, 2024
Maritime Propulsion

February 3, 2013

MacGregor Wins RoRo Equipment Orders

Stern quarter ramp with electric drive: Photo credit MacGregor

Cargotec subsidiary, MacGregor, contracted to deliver electrically-driven RoRo equipment for two new car carriers.

The two RoRo ships are under construction at Shin-Kurushima’s main facility,Onishi Shipyard,in Japan. Each ship will be supplied witha stern ramp, a side ramp, six internal ramps, a ramp cover and hoistable car decks.

“MacGregor electric drives are not new to the shipping industry,” says Magnus Sjöberg, Sales Director for MacGregor RoRo. “They representproven, mainstream technology with a solid history of operational reliability and performance. One of their major advantages is the elimination of hydraulic oil leaks that cause pollution and cargo damage."

“An additional advantage is that they are easy to monitor and service,” explains Mr Sjöberg. “These new vessels will be fitted with a touch-screen monitoring system for the electric drives, which has improved the commissioning process of each of the drive units because of its user-friendly interface and flexibility.”

The monitoring system will provide a continual data stream and equipment status updates.It has been optimised for future developments and is ready for external integration into other ship management safety systems.

The first vessels with all-electrically-driven internal and external RoRo outfits entered service in 2011, including Nissan’s eco-friendly coastal car carrier,Nichioh Maru, which was also delivered by Shin-Kurushima.


Magnus Sj??bergcar carriershoistable car decks