Thursday, October 24, 2024
Maritime Propulsion

July 9, 2020

Wabtec to Supply Engines for Marad's NSMV Fleet

(Image: MARAD)

Wabtec Corporation said it has been awarded a contract worth more than $10 million to supply engines for the first two of the U.S. Maritime Administration’s (MARAD) National Security Multi-Mission Vessels (NSMVs) being built at Philly Shipyard.

In April Philly Shipyard was selected to build up to five NSMVs that will enable at-sea training for America’s future mariners and support humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. The first two NSMV ships will be homeported at state maritime academies in New York and Massachusetts.

Wabtec said its V250 Series diesel engines will be manufactured at Wabtec’s Grove City, Pa. plant and integrated into generator sets produced by partner contractors and installed on the first two NSMVs being constructed in 2021 at Philly Shipyard. The engines will provide ship service power to the state-of-the-art vessels.

According to the manufacturer, the advanced engines reduce air emissions by up to 70%, through technology features such as an upgraded control system, a high-pressure common rail fuel injection, two-stage turbocharging, and advanced exhaust gas recirculation. The engines meet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Tier 4 and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Tier III emissions standards without the need for urea aftertreatment. Wabtec said its design saves up to 75% of valuable shipboard space, provides significant maintenance and reliability cost savings, and reduces operational hazards and cost associated with handling aftertreatment chemicals such as urea.

A Wabtec 16V250 Series marine diesel engine (Image: Wabtec)

“Wabtec is honored to supply next-generation engine technology for the NSMV fleet to train future generations of American mariners and sail on missions where reliability is critical,” said Tammy Gromacki, Wabtec’s general manager of Marine and Drill. “With this order, the federal government can begin to realize the cost, reliability and emission-reduction benefits enjoyed by Wabtec commercial ship operator customers around the world.”

“This federal order will create job opportunities and economic growth in Western Pennsylvania,” said U.S. Senator Bob Casey. “I have consistently advocated for contracts awarded by the Maritime Administration for its National Security Multi-Mission Vessel Program to include American manufacturers to the maximum extent and consequently strengthen U.S. manufacturing and contribute to our Nation’s economic recovery. I have long supported this facility from when it was owned by GE Transportation and I am pleased to see that Wabtec’s Grove City plant in Pennsylvania has been awarded this opportunity.”

“I want to congratulate Wabtec for winning the National Security Multi-Mission Vessels contract,” said U.S. Representative Mike Kelly. “This is exciting for the whole company, especially the those who work at the Grove City plant and produce first class diesel engines. More importantly though, this contract shows America is once again leveraging Western Pennsylvania’s industrial know-how for our nation. Wabtec’s innovations in their diesel engines have put the company ahead of its global competitors and the awarding of the MARAD contract proves that.”